unsere Musik - unsere songs


Wir BluesMatters spielen ausschliesslich eigene Songs. Wir sind in der glücklichen Situation, dass Mischa nicht nur wunderschöne Texte schreibt, sondern auch tolle Melodien komponiert. Gemeinsam arrangieren wir auf dieser Basis die Songs und arbeiten daran, bis wir alle zufrieden und glücklich damit sind. Oft ein mühsamer, langer und diskussionsreicher Prozess - aber das Feedback der Zuhörer bestätigt unsere Arbeit und ist unsere Motivation für jeden weiteren Song.

Aktuell besteht unser Repertoire aus über 90 eigenen Songs.


Songs der BluesMatters (alles Eigenkompositionen):

A lonesome drifter

A pale and shimmering light

A ramblers love affaire

A summer tune

A wacko' goe to war

A willow tree

Addicted to the blues

AI may I

At devils table

Autumn has awakened

Been asleep all day

Blues in E

Ba the bridge under the lantern

Can't you hear us singing the blues

Clinching my grandchilds hand

Daunted by the dark

Desert Island breeze

Digging a deep deep hole

Don't bother calling out my name

Don't you take my knickknack away

Down by the lighthouse

Dreams of you

Elvis Presley Boulevard

Far away thunder

Fly little Tweety fly

Flying into another sphere

Going back to Sally

Gonna rock you

Got there in the morning

Gray in gray

Half past two in the morning

Hazy friday

He called his sparrow Chin Chin

He's between the devil and the deep blue sea

Hello stranger

Humming the blues

I got the blues in the evening

I had a dream one summer night

I need to ramble on

Immortal blues

It doesn't have to be perfect

Jeremias, Fred and Paul

Joe's on the run

Lion lane two

Little peace soldiers

Long overdue turning the tide

Magic brew

Midnight rag

Mr guitar man

Music with no end

My ball and chain

My cellphone's vanished

My heart is yours and your heart is mine

Once upon a green tree

Plenty of time on my hands

Rainiy city at night

Reassured pipe dreams

Rhythm rhyme and prose

Rockin' music for you

Sad widow dance

Seeking to find out

Singing the blues all day long

Singing he blues at night

Snowy monday morning

So now we say goodbye

Something wierd is going on

Spring knocks on the door

Stormy Lilly

Summer blues

Sun, sea and Covid-free

The homeless loafer

The miss who missed a kiss

The orange dragon

The puppet

The raven and the fox

The tramp by the gateway

The war was over

The world stands still

Thirteen's not the number

This ballad is for you

Tickt to nowhere

Treasured silver moon

Tying the ends

Violet brume

Wandering on

We've gt the anthems

When we wrote this song

Where did you go

White strands in my hair

Will this soon be over

Writing music

You can catch your dreams

the war was over
Addicted to the blues
Diggin' a deep deep hole
Rainy city at night
Hello stranger
Something weird is going on
Joe's on the run
Singin' the blues all day long
Far away thunder
By the bridge under the lantern
Dreams of you
A ramblers love affair
Down by the lighthouse
Goin' back to Sally
Daunted by the dark
violet brume
A willow tree
Clinching my grandchilds hand
Half past two in the morning
He's between the devil and the deep blue sea
Humming the blues
Lion lane two
Ehere did you go
Snowy monday morning
The tramp by the gateway
Thirteen is not the number
The world stands stillr
Autumn has awakened
So now we say goodbye
Fly little tweety fly
A lonesome drifter
Singing the blues at night

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